It is about paying attention to instincts when it comes to both people and situations.
This post is one that has been several years in the making. It is not something that should be taken lightly when it enters into your life. It is about paying attention to far more than detail.
It is about paying attention to instincts when it comes to both people and situations.
Yes, you read that right. It has taken me two years to finish reading a book start to finish without starting the book over. Which book is it? Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlett Letter. Yes I began reading it during the beginning of summer 2016 and just finished it today.
Recently I wrote about twenty years of lessons, one of them is something that I keep living repeatedly. It is one that I recently got a refresher course in, it is about relationships. Let's chat about it.
The last few months have been rather interesting. I learned a lot when I moved us home. The fact that I am still hot enough to make even those who claim not to be insecure and to be secure in their relationships insecure enough to imagine things would be the most startling of realities that I have recently experienced. The last few months are something that require examination as I look back on the events that led to this recent revelation. Some time back I wrote a post about the lessons that I have learned over the last twenty years. Today I decided to examine lessons 8 and 9. Never marry someone that you are not certain you want to build a life with and divorce is expensive. Let's chat shall we.
While the world is full of people that give selflessly, all to often they are not seen. Instead those who hurt without a single thought are front page news. This should not be the norm as we read the headlines or watch the evening news. Do those who give selflessly reach the point of not caring?
The last twenty years have taught me things that I never learned in school. The lessons make me wonder what the big deal about finish this degree or that vocational program is. So what have I learned?
May 2020