In Love or Killing Time?
When the two of you have nothing in common but each other it can mean that you are either incompatible or a case of opposites attract. Are you in love with someone that is the complete opposite of you, or someone who is the exact same as you only in another form? Are you bored and looking for someone who will entertain you? Lonely is never a reason to latch on to someone no matter how they make you feel. When you do not truly return the feelings they have for you problems will enter into the relationship eventually and you might not be able to correct them.
Do you feel as if you owe them something? Then repay them, do not marry them. It doesn't matter what someone does for you, marriage that you do not want with your whole heart is not something you should enter into in return. Are you expecting a child? Do not get married just to give a child two parents. You can raise a child together without the need of a ceremony, or you can raise a child alone should the need arise.
Children know more than you think they know, and raising them in a home where there is no love is something they will notice. Your unhappiness is something they will feel no matter how much you attempt to hide it.
There is no reason to enter into a relationship of any kind with someone who you are unsure of. There is even less reason to marry someone that you are not certain you want a future with. It is costly financially, physically and emotionally to end a marriage. The cost increases when it is one that you never should have entered into.
#marriage #divorce #relationships