Meet Laurie

Laurie Childree is from a small town in Alabama USA and has recently returned to a smaller Alabama town after a brief stints both South Carolina and Arkansas. The journey that she has taken was a long one. Perhaps she will tell it all one day, until then feel free to allow your imagination to fill in the blanks.
Travels have been limited to a select few states with the stops lasting only a few months, and in the end the call home is a strong one. This does not mean that she does not have the desire to leave but for the moment the lack of expressways and noise pollution will have to be home.
Laurie spent years working with the public as a telephone service representative, cashier, and waitress. In the not so public jobs she has worked in the nursing home, provided care to the elderly through a home care service. A brief time found her as a housewife, but despite adoring her children she was not built to be the compliant housewife. The years in the public sector gave her the ability to work under mounting stress, and think on her feet to resolve issues.
The years spent in the public earning minimum wage to barely above, and years spent as a housewife dependent on someone else for income gave her personal insight into surviving on a tight budget. This first-hand experience is where the savings and budgeting aspects of her writing comes into play. Learning to budget as a waitress when earnings are dependent on being able to please and earnings vary from day to day was a lesson in restraint and reinforcement of the fact that having money in hand does not mean that money is spendable.
Laurie has written for more years than she can remember, and in 2007 she accidentally turned it into a career. A hobby of sorts she has written thousands of poems, most of them lost as time passed. Passing time on a website known as Laurie accidentally began to obtain private clients which put her working as a ghostwriter. She soon discovered that what was once a hobby could actually make her a living. A child diagnosed with autism would turn staying home into a necessity instead of a luxury.
While mainly writing for private clients and outsourcing companies for the last few years Laurie's work is seen on sites such as Voices.Yahoo. Articles range from the simple short story to autism. Through the years she has learned to be her own first editor, as a result a minimum of revision requests are seen. Laurie guarantees satisfaction and will meet any reasonable request. Through the years she has also received her share of requests to fix things that others have written; these have not been mere edits but most often lead to having to redo the entire written work, research and all.
Her first two completed books Money, Moments and Memories and Observations Obsessions Oddities are available at
Feel free to contact Laurie using the contact form below.
Travels have been limited to a select few states with the stops lasting only a few months, and in the end the call home is a strong one. This does not mean that she does not have the desire to leave but for the moment the lack of expressways and noise pollution will have to be home.
Laurie spent years working with the public as a telephone service representative, cashier, and waitress. In the not so public jobs she has worked in the nursing home, provided care to the elderly through a home care service. A brief time found her as a housewife, but despite adoring her children she was not built to be the compliant housewife. The years in the public sector gave her the ability to work under mounting stress, and think on her feet to resolve issues.
The years spent in the public earning minimum wage to barely above, and years spent as a housewife dependent on someone else for income gave her personal insight into surviving on a tight budget. This first-hand experience is where the savings and budgeting aspects of her writing comes into play. Learning to budget as a waitress when earnings are dependent on being able to please and earnings vary from day to day was a lesson in restraint and reinforcement of the fact that having money in hand does not mean that money is spendable.
Laurie has written for more years than she can remember, and in 2007 she accidentally turned it into a career. A hobby of sorts she has written thousands of poems, most of them lost as time passed. Passing time on a website known as Laurie accidentally began to obtain private clients which put her working as a ghostwriter. She soon discovered that what was once a hobby could actually make her a living. A child diagnosed with autism would turn staying home into a necessity instead of a luxury.
While mainly writing for private clients and outsourcing companies for the last few years Laurie's work is seen on sites such as Voices.Yahoo. Articles range from the simple short story to autism. Through the years she has learned to be her own first editor, as a result a minimum of revision requests are seen. Laurie guarantees satisfaction and will meet any reasonable request. Through the years she has also received her share of requests to fix things that others have written; these have not been mere edits but most often lead to having to redo the entire written work, research and all.
Her first two completed books Money, Moments and Memories and Observations Obsessions Oddities are available at
Feel free to contact Laurie using the contact form below.