It is about paying attention to instincts when it comes to both people and situations.
Built In Babysitters
What is a built in babysitter? It is someone who is convenient to use when ever you need time away from your children for what ever reason. How do you know if you are being used as a built in baby sitter?
- You are never asked before the responsibility of children that are not yours is placed on you.(It may or may not be intentional, but it will increase in frequency if you do not speak up.)
- Parent or regular caregiver leaves you alone with the children at events without a word.
- The children's things gradually make there way to your home so that they can be comfortable and distracted as parents make an exit.
Those who would send their children to you repeatedly without bothering to ask if it was okay first. They act as if you run a daycare with a revolving door, that is free. They also feel free to send extra children for you to watch when they have guests without bothering to ask you first. They do not attempt to teach their children to clean up behind themselves or to have respect for other's property.
These are people that you do not need in your lives. They are a type of freeloader.
Back Biting
When someone repeatedly tell you their significant other's opinion of you when they have denied it having been asked point blank it is disorienting. Finding out that it was true can be upsetting, but you will manage to move on. It is never easy finding out people are not who you believed them to be.
It is not always pleasant when they go from telling you that they think a lot of you and the things that you do for them just to telling you that you are not good enough to meet their standards. They start by making jokes about you that they pretend they don't realize are hurtful and it escalates from there.
They think it's funny to you. You snap back at them instead of crying like you actually want to do. Then there is the other half that you don't snap back at when they offend you because you don't want to hurt them the way they hurt you and it is taken the wrong way.
When it comes to people there are those who, like me, are better with solitude. It means that we do best left to our own devices without having to be forced into social interactions. There are things that bring everyone simple pleasures and relaxing is one of them.
Leaving Them Behind
Both possessions and people are left in the past when you learn how to prioritize your well being above everything else. You see sanity and health are far more important to than anyone or anything else in this life.
Do you ever ignore your first instinct about people just to discover you shouldn't have? Are you willing to cut ties for your sanity and your health?
#firstimpressions #relationships #cuttingties