Things are always happening in life, some good and some bad. You take it as it comes, let go of little things and move on. That's what you're told to do anyway. What happens when it is the little things that hurt you the most?
Sometimes you need mindless activity to keep from thinking about things. It helps to clear the mind. Let's see what mindless activities I indulged in to prevent over thinking while school was out over Christmas vacation.
When I left Alabama in 2013 and ended up in South Carolina I learned a lesson about purchasing items that I have been neglecting recently but intend to get back to. I learned I am capable of saving for purchase and things that come up. Another lesson that has fallen away lately, or maybe it was the increase in expenses. Sit back and I'll explain how this method works as it was explained to me. I'll also explain how it can help me to have the money needed for those surprises that come up during the year.
Recently I wrote about twenty years of lessons, one of them is something that I keep living repeatedly. It is one that I recently got a refresher course in, it is about relationships. Let's chat about it.
Life is full many things, for better or worse illusions are among them. Fairy tales are read to children at a young age to get them to sleep at night, the tooth fairy leaves money for lost teeth and Santa Clause comes down the chimney to leave gifts. What are some of the worse illusions in this life?
![]() The last few months have been rather interesting. I learned a lot when I moved us home. The fact that I am still hot enough to make even those who claim not to be insecure and to be secure in their relationships insecure enough to imagine things would be the most startling of realities that I have recently experienced. The last few months are something that require examination as I look back on the events that led to this recent revelation. Some time back I wrote a post about the lessons that I have learned over the last twenty years. Today I decided to examine lessons 8 and 9. Never marry someone that you are not certain you want to build a life with and divorce is expensive. Let's chat shall we.
There are those who think far to highly of themselves and those who think far to little of themselves. Neither is ideal. When you have insecure people around you nothing you do will be correct. It is worse when they claim to be Christian but I digress. This is not about religion, spirituality or the lack of either; it is about people and how they perceive those who do not meet their standard.
![]() Life has taken several turns over the years. No one is free from the path of aging, but we are free to make our own choices along that path. There are those who actively decide to be alone while others actively seek companionship from others. I'll say it again "It is better to be happy alone than miserable with someone else." This is a lesson some people may never learn. Let's examine this a bit closer. We all have relationships of some kind whether we want to or not. The problem comes in when those relationships are toxic and we do not realize it until it is to late. It is not something that should be taken lightly when it has the potential to have a negative effect on your health. Let's examine relationships shall we.
May 2020