I am slowly returning to the world of being independent while working remotely. I have recently done some short projects that hold the promise of more work in future. I am steadily exploring other avenues and putting in applications for remote positions. There are various reasons are this decision, the least of which is the current pandemic and my refusal to get a vaccine I am uncomfortable with.
The last few years brought a need to briefly leave the house to work in the "real" world one more time. The need was born from having to increase my income and to get away from the lack of peace that working from home requires. There were some ups and downs on that particular journey but I'm trying to get it back to where it once was now that the temporary job is over and I am back to focusing on finishing an Office Administration Degree because I can.
It is almost the end of 2018 and once again I am changing course in order to make my finances work and end up where I need them to be. Let's examine changes that are required, and quickly so that I can accomplish what I need to in the last couple months of the year.
Things were different in 2012 as the post from a day back in September of that year will show you.
Post from 09/09/2012 The timing may be bad but I am taking time off. I have been sick lately and not taking time off to heal made it worse. That means that I am not working on anything but my book as my health would allow although I still have to go volunteer at the school because it's good for my kid. This week we are reading a Clifford book that is going to speech with us this afternoon. ( I miss volunteering but the years away faded it out.) My time off has been extended as a result of no Internet at home in an effort to reduce my stress, I will only be working on my book for the next week or two. The end of the month should see Internet returned to the home. 2018 My How Things Have Changed: I know take time off when I need to in order to prevent stress or reduce it. Not because I am sick from stress and being over worked. Now I truly make my own schedule. It is no longer dictated by how much can I do in a day. It is based on something entirely different.
There are things that mean I get to write my own lists and set my own priorities. My household budget is an area that I like to find places I can reduce spending. It's like a game to see how low I can get controllable bills. It is like a game of seeing how little we can spend without doing without to much of anything.
While I am freelancing again I am also earning money in my spare time. Rather I am killing time by getting change to build up from surveys and other tasks. I have a goal and some things to catch up on so I would be earning everything I can whenever I can.
I have gone back to making lists to keep myself on track. The list is a little more detailed than it used to be and in steno-book. I like being able to separate the list without having to draw a line down the middle. It helps me separate out the tasks for the house, work, appointments and even medications that have to be taken.
It has been a couple of years since I dealt with the rigors of self employment, and it is not an easy transition to make when I had been planning on returning to the traditional work force for various reasons. Take a journey through the process of re-learning how to be my own boss with me.
![]() The coming weeks are not going to be easy as I continue to sort everything out. I am caught up in a budgeting crisis as I attempt to fit everything into my current income while waiting for it to get back to livable means without cutting too many corners. While I figure it out I decided that actively searching for work would be the best way to feel accomplished. What am I dealing with? Sit back and let's catch up. OK my saving account balance is exactly $3 at the moment. That's not going to cut it for my end goal, and the amount of cash I have saved in my hand is less at the moment. Things keep going wrong hindering the process each time I think I'm getting close to being able to increase that to the $1500 goal that I have set for myself.
I decided it's time to take a step back. I currently have only pennies in my change jar. No one wants to spend them so there is no danger of them being taken out and spent. I'm perfectly fine with leaving the pennies there and letting them fill the jar. The school year is nickel and diming me to death. Theresa has had a number of field trips already this year. She enjoys them so I rearrange the budget to accommodate them. Recap of the Field Trips and Costs There was a fishing field trip with the special education class, this one was of no cost to me. Then there was a walking field trip to a nearby park because of her Accelerated Reading points, again no cost to me. The next trip was to the local library, the post office, art museum and a local park for lunch. Total cost of the trip $12, a $3 deposit and $9 balance. Next week there are two field trips planned for her. The special education class is going to a movie and CiCi's Pizza for the buffet Monday, $5 total. Tuesday those with enough AR points are going to see a movie, $10 covers the ticket, popcorn, and transportation. Total to let the kid have fun going off places she rarely, if ever gets to go? $27.00 Pageant The first of the year was Little Miss Faine, and of course I let the kid participate. Entry fee $10, admission $3 per person, so only one of us got to go that day. Total $13. OctoberFest/Bake sales There is the OctoberFest, this is just what the kid's spend on the snacks and other items for sale at the event. There are also bake sales to benefit the school, these only cost what you give the kids to allow them to participate and purchase treats during the fund raiser. Then there are school pictures and a ton of other things that come up, so for now that $1500 goal I set is accumulating pennies. In time it will get more but for the moment it's going to have to be quiet as I take care of other things. |