The light bill I paid this month was $118.30, now it's time to lower it. That is out of my budget range at the moment. Let's examine the difference in previous bills and how I can lower it back to those amounts. It's going to take a little bit of work but I can do it.
The bill paid during the month of December was $76.14 while the one paid during the month of November was $116.01. The goal is to lower the bill to the December amount which is a difference of $42.16. I have to have a plan to achieve this, but that's the tricky part because I am not the only one in the apartment. I have a child to think about.
Immediate Changes:
I can adjust the thermostat when we aren't home so the heat is below 68 degrees. All other times provided we dress properly I can leave it at 68 degrees instead of turning it up to 70 when I catch a chill during cold weather. During the summer months it can be put up to 75 degrees with fans running. When the weather is comfortable I can turn it off and just run the fans with a couple of windows open. That will cut the bill by a few dollars. I keep the filter changed regularly.
Then there is the dryer which I have been using regularly because it is convenient I have not had easy access to one in years. The last place we lived had a laundry room, hanging the clothes lowered my laundry budget and well, it helps clothing last longer. I have a drying rack, I can hang the clothes to dry again. It'll save money in the long run, and my drying rack will stop collecting dust. I have been lazy lately, it is time to correct this.
What Else?
Hot water. The use can be reduced. Showers can be limited to twenty minutes at most and baths for the kid can use less water. The hot water adds up. Washing dishes can be done in the sink with less water, no dishwasher use. The dishwasher is a luxury that I'm fast becoming spoiled to, my pots and pans are hand-wash anyway so they don't become unusable or rust. It only takes a minute to wash the few dishes we use during the day. Or I can reduce use of the dishwasher to once every two weeks. We have enough dishes to do it. (I think.).
Phantom Electricity Reduction
Then there are the charges that need to be unplugged when they aren't in use, the candle warmer and wax-melter that need to be turned off at night. There are probably a few dozen other things that I could do to make the light bill lower, but I'm not shutting off the switch the outlet to the lamp is on until I get my computer off it. My computer is on a surge protector, which I should probably put my television on. I want one with a remote control so I can turn off the power to the surge protectors that devices that use electricity even when they are off are plugged into.
What do you do to save energy? How can you lower your electric bill this year?