A few months ago I was given a copy of Marcy Browning’s “Better Days Are Coming” for review. I have finished it, and I am now ready to write the review. The following is not only my opinion of the book, but what I took from the book.
Marcy was living her life getting ready to go back to riding her bicycle and taking care of routine appointments when two words turned her world upside down. The next few years she would keep track of the disappointments and victories through various online methods of communication. Emails with friends, Facebook updates, comments on her updates, her CaringBridge journal and her blog were all used to chronicle her journey through breast cancer.
Her background as a healthcare professional gave her a perspective into her situation that few people experience. It also means that as emotional as she was at times she still possessed the ability to look at her situation rationally, and even have the day to day anxiety over finances.
Marcy was living her life getting ready to go back to riding her bicycle and taking care of routine appointments when two words turned her world upside down. The next few years she would keep track of the disappointments and victories through various online methods of communication. Emails with friends, Facebook updates, comments on her updates, her CaringBridge journal and her blog were all used to chronicle her journey through breast cancer.
Her background as a healthcare professional gave her a perspective into her situation that few people experience. It also means that as emotional as she was at times she still possessed the ability to look at her situation rationally, and even have the day to day anxiety over finances.
There were lessons throughout the book that came through with the text. The most important lesson is one that we should not take family, friends and activities for granted the way we do. Things would get better, this was the theme throughout the book. No matter how badly things got for Marcy during her treatment she had people to remind her that there were better days ahead, that hope became the main lesson I took from the book.
Details of her diagnosis and treatments are the things that Marcy had to rely on family and friends to fill in gaps in her memory that she had not journaled during that time. This is not surprising as the pace of life is fast enough, add a whirlwind of treatments and emotions to it the formula becomes perfect for needing the help we deny ourselves.
The time spent reading Better Days Are Coming was both refreshing and eye opening even if it was emotional at times. There is something for everyone in this book, the knowledge you gain is immeasurable. I recommend everyone pick up a copy and indulge in the lessons that one woman’s experience of something that millions go through can teach you.
Details of her diagnosis and treatments are the things that Marcy had to rely on family and friends to fill in gaps in her memory that she had not journaled during that time. This is not surprising as the pace of life is fast enough, add a whirlwind of treatments and emotions to it the formula becomes perfect for needing the help we deny ourselves.
The time spent reading Better Days Are Coming was both refreshing and eye opening even if it was emotional at times. There is something for everyone in this book, the knowledge you gain is immeasurable. I recommend everyone pick up a copy and indulge in the lessons that one woman’s experience of something that millions go through can teach you.